Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where's Waldo? My blog still exists!!...

I haven't completely fallen off the face of the Earth. I've been...well BUSY! Wife, mom, sport spectator for my children, teacher, new grade level this year, snuck in a vacation over Thanksgiving for 7 WHOLE know....just living 
life, and blogging less. That's okay to do? Right? 

Don't think I have stopped blog stalking you all, and downloading from TN & TpT like crazy......oh, I still do that!

As the year has settled in (a third of the way done already)----WHAT?! And winter break coming up, maybe I can start to pick up on my blogging again! I bet all you busy ladies understand, though. 

Anyway....regardless, I've found a wee bit of time to create a few new things. Here you go! Some Freebies, and new winter things on the way....


1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! I hear you about being busy! Wow, I think they should rename us all supermoms! I am your newest follower. Also, thank you for the Winter Wonderland Base 10 activity!
    Kindergarten Faith
