Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Grand Opening Give-A-Way and SALES! 

In light of launching this new blog, I'm offering 15-50% off most of my Teacher's Notebook items...go check it out! Sale ends 4/30/12.

Love a good spring sale!! PLUS - I have not yet hit 25 followers. New followers can still pick out 1 paid item (for FREE) as your THANK YOU gift for signing up. You have to drop me a comment or Email me to tell me your selection.



  1. Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog! I love the title. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    One Teacher's Take

  2. Andrea - Thank you! I am glad you found me. You can participate in the Give-A-Way---just visit my Teacher's Notebook shop and pick one paid item and it's yours FREE! It's my Thank you for following my new blog!

  3. I see you are a 4th grade teacher----you could always download and Email it to a PreK-K co-worker! :)

  4. I love your blog AND your TN stuff! I have retired after teaching for 17yrs. Now I will be homeschooling my grandkids...K/3rd! Since I haven't taught K in many, many years, I will be checking out a lot of your stuff to make my "new" career easier -so I don't get REtired! I'm pinning your stuff for my other teacher friends to see.

  5. Thank you so much, Robin! I am glad you like everything!! I am hoping my blog will grow by leaps and bounds very soon---so THANK YOU for sharing! I appreciate it very much. I hope to have a lot more things coming---so check back frequently!! I bet you will enjoy your "new" career ---what a unique opportunity for your family! Enjoy! :)

