Monday, June 24, 2013

Gearing Up for the new school year!

Here we's finally summer! I might say how much I am looking forward to a break, but the truth is, I spend a great majority of my summer prepping for the upcoming school year. I know you do, too! I've been pinning, blog stalking, thinking, thinking, thinking, organizing, and making some new activities for my centers. I'm not finding as much time for making things as I want to, but summer is just getting started....and in between work, I'm also being the #1 cheerleader for my kids at basketball camp, tennis camp, baseball practice/games & playing lifeguard in the backyard pool. Not to mention, the cleaning lady and in-home chef never show up----so, I'm on those duties as well!

I'm also trying to read a bazillion Jodi Picoult books since I happened to order a bunch. How can I resist---shipping is free----love me some Amazon Prime! And where do I fit it workouts? Oh, anywhere between 9-11pm. It's amazing how much stuff you can actually fit in a day!! LOVE IT!

As I'm home with my 3 kiddos this summer....we are often cleaning, organizing, and pitching items out of their rooms, closets, and toy boxes. This often leads to another project, and another, and another. And then this happens...

Agreed? Do you all do the same?!?!?! 

So while I'm boxing up more items from around the house that will eventually make their way to the classroom, take a gander at my new math and literacy pack available on TpT. It's 87 pages consisting of 6 Lang. Arts activities and 5 Math activities. It'd be great for incoming first graders or end of the year Kindergarteners. 


Have fun thinking about the new school year----because I know you can't resist!!!